Die Mannen von Hello Games überraschen mal wieder mit einem neuen Update für No Man’s Sky. Noch in dieser Woche soll das „Path Finder“ getaufte Content-Update für das Weltall-Erkundungsspiel erscheinen. Um es den Spielern schmackhaft zu machen, haben Hello Games neben dem recht trockenen Changelog auch einen Trailer bereitgestellt.
Mit „Path Finder“ erhalten nun endlich die von der Community sehnlichst erwarteten Bodenfahrzeuge Einzug in das Spiel. Es wird drei verschiedene Typen von Fahrzeugen geben, mit denen ihr die Planeten unsicher machen könnt. Desweiteren wird eine Unterstützung der PlayStation 4 Pro integriert, welche für ein schärferes Bild sorgt. Eine neue Permadeath-Funktion, das Base Sharing und die Schiff-Spezialisierungen sind auch mit an Board.

Changelog des Path Finder-Updates
50% more generative soundscapes
Additional game loading and game start music
Added multi-room base ambiences
More detailed rain system, including room dependent and indoor window rain
Added indoor storm ambiance
Changes to reverb system
Fix for a flood of sounds which could occur during the tutorial
Ships and Space
Improved ship landing code
Fixed AI ships appearing in the air with landing gear deployed
Ship weapons operate using a new multi-mode system
Fix for being able to spawn freighters underground while you are jetpacking
Prevent all docking points in stations, freighters and outposts being taken by AI ships
Fixed issue where ships could occasionally become invisible
Fixed an issue where spawning into a freighter in near-planet orbit would occasionally place the player underground
Freighter containers now drop less Titanium, Thamium and Copper
Freighter containers now have a chance to drop Nanite Clusters
Traders can now drop Nanite Clusters
Traders no longer drop Copper or Iron
Reduced camera shake whilst taking hits in space combat
Reduced pirate damage in survival mode
Reduced damage on ship laser
Tweaked ship exit animations to improve player placement
Added damage and resource numbers in combat and when mining, toggleable in the Options menu
Allow multiple weapon types on the multitool
Free weapons and ships now have broken slots
Recruit NPCs have more descriptive names
Fixed holes appearing in high detail terrain regions
Made player respawn positioning more robust
Introduced new growable plant type
Fixed slow memory leak in material effects
Removed several minor memory leaks on warp
Boosted shield recharge rate whilst in caves slightly
BoltCaster Rate of Fire and Laser Mining Speed upgrades are now known from start. Tweaked build requirements so that both are possible to build on player’s first planet
Drones now drop small amount of zinc on destruction
Reduced amount of platinum from depots
Fixed Vy’Keen depots dropping titanium instead of platinum
Improved balance of hazards on Scorched and Frozen planets
Reworked NPC secondary interactions to give you standing in exchange for offerings
Reduced the amount of tech given by NPCs. In most cases they will now reward tech fragments instead of blueprints
Reduced the amount of tech available for NPC reward
Fixed projectiles shooting through certain unmineable substances
Adjusted space stations to minimise cases where NPCs intersect with the environment
Fixed issue where the suit upgrade chamber would occasionally disappear
Reduced banding artifacts on some metallic surfaces
Fixed seam artifacts on some normal maps
Fixed shadows being too black over water on certain planets
Fixed very occasional errant black geometry in space
Improved performance of water rendering
Improved performance in forward rendering passes
Improved performance in spotlight rendering
Fixed some issues with flickering lights
Correctly oriented IBL map, fixing several lighting issues
Fixed issue where vertex displacement would glitch when walking between regions
Support for Intel HD Graphics 530, 540, 550, 580, 630, 640, 650
Reduced banding artifacts in gamma correction on some GPUs
Escape key now goes directly to the quit options page
Improved and expanded Steam Controller mapping
PlayStation 4
Support For PS4 Pro 4K Rendering
Support For PS4 Pro Delta Colour Compression
Support For PS4 Pro automatic Depth Buffer decompression